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Week of June 24, 2013

Canada Day – A day to celebrate more than a document

By Garry Breitkreuz, M.P.

On July 1st, 146 years ago, the British North America Act (better known as the BNA Act) came into effect and the idea of a unified Canada became a reality.  Today, we recognize Canada Day as more than just a moment to commemorate the signing of a document. It’s the day we celebrate both our past and our present, while looking forward to the future.

Canada Day is a celebration of what it truly means to be a Canadian. The founding values in the BNA Act: peace, order and good government, have helped Canada stand out as a beacon of hope and prosperity – a country that other nations model themselves after, a country of which we can all be proud.

And as Canadians, we certainly have plenty of reasons to be thankful. Despite the on-going instability that other countries face, our country continues to excel and lead on the world’s stage, both socially and economically.

Starting this year, July 1 to 7 will become Canada History Week, an opportunity for Canadians from coast to coast to coast to get actively involved in learning about our country’s history. Canada’s upcoming 150th birthday in 2017 provides an unprecedented opportunity to celebrate our history and the achievements that contributed to the united, strong, and free Canada we know today.

Day in and day out, it is the values, principles and work ethic of Canadians that make Canada great.  Whether your family has lived here for generations or you’re a new Canadian, you know that Canadians value hard work and determination; that we are stronger united than we are divided; and that each of us owes this great country and the people who made it what it is today, a great debt of gratitude.

That’s why we celebrate Canada Day.
Let’s continue to build a better Canada, a country to make our children and grandchildren proud.



The audio version of Garry's June 24, 2013 op-ed column can be heard by clicking here