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Week of March 18, 2013

Apply now for the 2013 Teachers Institute on
Canadian Parliamentary Democracy

By Garry Breitkreuz, M.P.

This November 3-8, as they have each year since 1996, seventy educators from across Canada will meet on Parliament Hill for an exciting insider`s view of the workings of Parliament.

During their five days at the Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy, experts in politics and procedure will instruct teachers in the key issues of citizenship and democracy. Working together, participants develop creative teaching strategies and useful tools to use in their classrooms to teach their students the inner workings of government.

Attending teachers meet some of the key players on the Hill, including the Speakers of the Senate and House of Commons, and many Parliamentarians. They observe House proceedings, debates, sit in on committee meetings, and attend luncheons with key figures in the federal government.

Teachers who have attended the Institute describe their experience as both informative and unforgettable. Their comments bring the best advertisement for the Institute.

Brian Grandy, an alumni from Ontario said, “The week I spent on Parliament Hill has opened my eyes to the workings of government and put a charge into my teaching. Most importantly, it has reversed my naive and cynical view that I had held concerning the workings of government.”

Albertan Elaine Strydhorst called her week “the best professional development that I have participated in as a teacher.”  She also commented that she couldn’t wait to go back home to inspire her students with a “passion for democracy and government.”

A few eligibility conditions apply for teachers hoping to attend the Teachers Institute. Among them, teachers may not have previously participated. They must currently teach in Canada (in a related subject area) grades Kindergarten to 12, and intend to continue teaching in the same province until June of 2014. And they must be willing to participate in a follow-up activity to extend the impact of the Teacher’s Institute.

New and experienced teachers may apply, and each application will be evaluated on their own merit according to relevant criteria.

Because of my teaching history and my current work as a Parliamentarian, I want teachers in my constituency to know about this exciting opportunity. If selected to attend, their experience will greatly influence their students regarding the elements that contribute to Canada`s strength: democracy, the legislative process, its key players and how they act and function.

Bursaries are available through the Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy to cover the $500 registration fee for the Teachers Institute, and the Parliament of Canada covers all travel costs, accommodation and most meals.

I encourage any interested teacher to apply for this program—and if selected, to stop by my Hill office.

Detailed information and application forms are available at www.parl.gc.ca/education. Teachers may also discover more on YouTube—search “Parliament of Canada-Teachers Institute.” Applications must be postmarked no later than the 15th of April.



The audio version of Garry's March 18, 2013 op-ed column can be heard by clicking here