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Week of September 23, 2013

Honouring contributions of our seniors through National Seniors Day

By Garry Breitkreuz, M.P.

Seniors throughout the area and across Canada deserve our gratitude and recognition for all the valuable contributions they have made and continue to make within our families, workplaces and communities. On October 1, we recognize National Seniors Day, and pay tribute to seniors for all that they have done to make Canada the great nation it is today.

Back in 2010, the Speech from the Throne announced that our government would support legislation to create a National Seniors Day. The Celebrating Canada’s Seniors Act received Royal Assent on November 18, 2010, and was designed to ensure that Canadians appreciate and celebrate the enormous contributions of our seniors. Canada’s first National Seniors Day was celebrated on October 1, 2011.

In addition to designating National Seniors Day, our government has worked hard to improve the lives of seniors through programs, services and benefits. These include a top-up to the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) in 2011; providing $400 million over two years for the construction of housing units for low-income seniors; and awareness campaigns and legislation to help ensure consistently tough penalties for offences involving the abuse of elderly people.

Our Government remains committed to improving the well-being and quality of life of seniors and near-seniors. To further demonstrate this commitment, the seniors.gc.ca website was recently redeveloped to include a new Information for Seniors portal, bringing together a variety of federal, provincial or territorial and municipal resources about relevant programs and benefits.

We also support positive and active aging through the collaborative Age-Friendly Communities Initiative, Physical Activity Tips for Older Adults, and falls-prevention initiatives. Information on these initiatives can be found in the Active, Engaged, Informed section of seniors.gc.ca.

We value what seniors have done for our country, and they deserve our thanks. National Seniors Day is our time to join together as a nation to honour Canada’s seniors.

As your Member of Parliament, I encourage you to find your own unique way to celebrate the seniors in your life. Perhaps make time to visit, or send a simple thank-you note to a senior you know. However you choose to express your gratitude, the message that we value older Canadians will be heard and appreciated.



The audio version of Garry's September 23, 2013 op-ed column can be heard by clicking here